Tag: tips

5 Marketing Tips for Christmas

Posted on October 23, 2021 in Blog

We had a a look at some tips that we believe can help your marketing strategy along during the Christmas period for your company.

  1. Pre-planned content – Unless you’re a complete workaholic with nothing to do, I am sure the last thing you to do around the festive season is to post tweets, blogs and blah blah. Make sure you have a schedule planned in advance.
  2. Mobile Ready – As you can imagine everyone will want the latest gadget, chances are a tablet will be given to you for Christmas.  A responsive website will keep people on your site and reduce the bounce rate count.
  3. Avatar – I think using your logo to have a Santa hat or Christmas tree for the festive period is a great idea, it shows your company is in the Christmas spirit and more importantly its creates brand awareness. Change your Instagram, Twitter and Facebook avatar for a few weeks.
  4. Online Christmas – Personalised e-cards can be a great way to connect with some of your consumers and partners. Showing your appreciation to the loyal clients can go a long way.
  5. E-marketing – Give a boost with quality call to actions, limited time offers and headlines that will get your emails open and convert into sales. A great tag line such as “Have you subscribed to receive our email updates?“

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